Welcome on the first source of Euro Movie Babes. You can find here the nude pics of famouse celebrities from Europe Countries.

Milla Jovovich

Has been on the cover of more than one hundred magazines worldwide.

Is an "international spokesmodel" for L'Oreal cosmetics.

Voted the Sexiest Female Movie Star in the Australian Empire Magazine.




Anna Kournikova

Named one of "People" magazine's 50 Most Beautiful People of 1998

Anna Kournikova is the one of the hottest tennis player.

It is announced that Kournikova was voted the Sexiest Woman in the World in FHM's 100 Sexiest Girls poll for 2002, American edition.


For her looks, Anna became known as the "Britney Spears of Tennis."

Want to see nude pictures and films of the Euro Celebrities?
Milla Jovovich, Anna Kournikova ,Natalie Portman
, Jessica Alba and more .

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